¡Hola todos!
A rainbow after a five minute downpour that left us soaked. |
This was a very happy week. Facundo Mencia got baptized! We had his baptism on Saturday at 8:00 in the morning because all of the youth afterward were going to go to a service project and then go fishing. He brought one of his less active member friends to his baptism too. Elder Sears got to baptize him. When he came out of the water, there was a look of pure joy on his face. Later, he told Elder Sears, "you aren´t going to believe me, but I am so happy right now!" It is incredible how baptism frees you from all of your sin and we see it every time someone gets baptized. Then, on Sunday, he was confirmed member of the church and received the gift of the Holy Ghost. During priesthood meeting, he received the Aaronic priesthood too. He has only come to church three times, yet it already seems like he´s been a member most of his life. All of the members are helping him to feel welcome and he is thinking about preparing for a mission. He is so cool and we a re so happy for him!
Cleaning the font for the baptism. Here, the baptismal fonts are emptied using a pump and it takes a long time, especially when the pump doesn´t work well. |
Facundo got baptized! |
After Facundo´s baptism, he went to a service project and went fishing. All of the young men participated in his baptism. |
We are teaching several other great people too. Many of the members here are helping us teach awesome people who have desires to be baptized. I am really grateful to the members in the ward here who invite their friends to church and invite us to their homes to teach them.
Alejandro from last week is still progressing well. He is very sincere and has many questions. He is trying to change his life from where he was earlier and is beginning to smoke less thanks to Belen.
We are also teaching three brothers (Santiago(11), Nauel (8), and Lautaro(11)) who are friends of Axel (9). They all pay really close attention when we teach and have already come to church a few times. I am so happy for little missionaries like Axel!
Some members showed Elder Sears how to cut down a tree. |
We are still waiting on the paper for Lidia´s marriage, but we have a new plan and a goal for her marriage and baptism in two weeks. Please pray for her and the birth certificate we are trying to get.
This is the last week of the transfer, so next week I will write on Tuesday. I may have a different companion, but I am almost positive I will stay here.
I am excited for an awesome week!
God loves us. He knows us and our needs. He wants us to succeed and does all He can to help us find joy. As we accept Jesus´ sacrifice and Atonement and continue to change every day of our lives, we will find great joy now and after this life.
Remember your many blessings, share them, and find joy in your lives!
Elder Cloward