What an
amazing week! I have grown so much. Some of the changes I have had to
make in my life have been particularly difficult, but I know I am
becoming who God wants me to be.
District Elders being silly |
Last week we learned in class
some new ways to teach more effectively. We have to back up the
scriptures with our testimonies, not back up our words with the
scriptures. It makes sense, but it's much harder than one would think.
However, it makes a tremendous difference because God's words are always
better than ours. We are also learning how to ask inspired questions
that invite investigators to think deeply. No more "how do you feel?"
and "what do you think?" By asking inspired questions and using the
scriptures to answer doubts rather than trying to explain what we think,
we invite investigators to answer their own questions. I know that this
way to teach invites the Holy Ghost, which is the ultimate teacher.
Scatter Sunshine all along your way... Every passing day! |
was released from my assignment as district leader this past week so
another Elder could experience what it is like. We learn so much in
leadership positions. My favorite thing I got to do as a district leader
was interview other Elders in the district about their progress and
their relationships with their companions. It was so cool to hear each
of their testimonies about how God is helping each of them to become
better. Whenever there were issues between companions, it was incredible
to see how just talking with the other companion made up the
difference. I know that when you have a problem between you and another
person, you can resolve it if you just have a brief "companionship
inventory." Discuss strengths of the relationship and of each other.
Then say "you can be even more effective if you..." I know that this
builds me up and I have seen it mend relationships. So cool!
Our District Mission tags |
last Sunday, my companion and I were assigned as the new Zone leaders.
Wow! This means we now serve 4 districts. God is teaching us how to lead
and it is difficult and exciting! It is particularly difficult for me
because I am a sit-back-and-observe kind of person. I am also learning
how to lead in a way that those I lead will feel loved and also want to
do what is right. I am not very good at it, but I look to Jesus Christ,
who is our perfect example of a leader. I will continue to pray for
God's help and guidance.
I am trying to learn how God talks to
me. I am learning that when I am humble, God can teach me. I struggle
to find a balance between seriousness and fun so that I can hear and
feel the Holy Ghost always. It is hard.
Elder Maisey and I got
to teach a special lesson this week. The MTC staff connected us to a
member of the church in Argentina! That was so exciting! We could hardly
understand her because the connection was poor and she spoke Spanish so
fast, but we learned that she has a two year old daughter and that her
husband joined the church a few years before they were married. Wow! After
seeing the light of Jesus Christ in her eyes, I can't wait to go to
Argentina! We invited her to share her love of Christ's gospel with
someone she knows that needs it. I would also challenge each of you to
do this. Remember how grateful you are for Jesus Christ, who died to
save us. Go tell someone how much you love Him and how much he loves
them. You can change lives!
Most of the Elders in my Zone (The one smiling was the preivous Zone leader. He is an amazing example to me of a leader who helps everyone feel loved and also encourages them to do their best) |
Our district had an English fast this past Tuesday.
We tried to only use Spanish throughout the day. It was hard, but I
know my Spanish was strengthened. I would recommend not doing this very
much because we couldn't speak very much and I felt less effective
because of this. Even still, it really strengthened my Spanish and
humbled me.
Yesterday, we shared our last lesson with our
investigator Diana. It was really hard to say goodbye because I have
felt the spirit so strongly in our lessons with her. She is amazing and
wants to learn more. After our lesson, we talked to someone who watched
our lesson remotely with her, and she showed us some notes Diana had
been taking of our lessons with her. She said that she had felt happy
and peaceful when we prayed with her and that because of this, she
wanted to pray more to receive answers from God. Wow! That is why I am
on my mission. I am hear to invite all to come to Christ, through faith
repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring
to the end.
I invite each of you to pray to God tonight. He
is your Heavenly Father and he loves you. He will answer your prayer
with peace. Begin by addressing Him. Then have a conversation with Him.
Tell Him what you are grateful for and what you need. Ask Him questions.
Then close your prayer "In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." He will
answer. You may not hear words, but you will feel His love for you. You
will have His peace. This is my testimony to you.
I love you all!
Elder Cloward
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