¡Hola todos!
Thank you for all of your prayers in our behalf. We saw some incredible miracles this week. This Sunday, thanks to several members, six investigators came to church! That has only ever happened one other time in my mission. A few of these people we just recently began teaching and one we haven´t even taught yet. We will be pretty busy this next week teaching all of these people and inviting them to be baptized.
I don´t have any new pictures, but I have good news! A family living in Avellaneda that was trying to get married for 2-3 years finally got married and were baptized right afterward. Lidia and Julio are in the back with their son Branco in the white shirt. |
One of the greatest miracles I have ever seen occured this week with Yanel. She has really enjoyed learning in the lessons, goes to church regularly now, and reads the Book of Mormon on her own. She has been super excited for her baptism and has a sincere desire to follow Jesus Christ and be obedient. The only thing holding her back was her boy friend. He doesn´t want to get married with her and they have been living together. This week, we finally got to talk with him. However, he told us he has no immediate plans to get married. Just a few days ago, we received news that Yanel had broken up with him. She recognized that he wasn´t going to support her in her desire to be baptized, so they split up. She has so much faith! She and her neice are going to get baptized together next week on the 26th. We are so excited for them!
I know that God is real. He can talk to us through the Holy Ghost, which brings a feeling of peace and calming happiness. I love the words of the hymn "Lord, I Would Follow Thee." The fourth verse is thus:
Savior, may I love my brother
As I know thou lovest me,
Find in thee my strength, my beacon,
For thy servant I would be.
Savior, may I love my brother--
Lord, I would follow thee.
When it things get hard and when it is hard to love others, Jesus can help us to love our brothers and sisters. He is our strength and our example. I love Him!
Have a happy week!
Elder Cloward
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