Hurray for another week in the best two years so far of my life! I know that God has a perfect plan for me, so as I do my very best to obey Him, everything that happens is what is best for me. That brings me joy. If only we could always step back a moment from every situation with gratitude and our end goal in mind, I know we would find more joy.
My old zone. We are each holding up the number of transfers we have in the mission. 17 is the max amount of transfers. I've got two more! |
I have been assigned to train a new Elder in the mission. I am excited for the chance to guide another missionary in his first few steps of his mission. I am very likely to finish my mission as a trainer because I only have two transfers left. We will see what God has planned. It will be a lot easier to stay focused, that´s for sure!
Transfers. Elder Lundgreen was assigned to serve in the city of Resistencia. I will be training a new missionary in Saenz Peña! |
While we wait for our new companions to arrive, Elder Butler and I enjoy our pizzas. Our companions get here today (Tuesday) and we get to meet them tomorrow (Wednesday) |
Eduardo Perez was baptized this week! Last Monday, we asked him if he wanted to be baptized a week earlier than we had planned and he said yes! He was very prepared to follow God and it has been such a joy to watch him prepare to be baptized. He is exited to serve and is looking for more people we can teach, including many of his relatives and co-workers. From the beginning, he wanted to be baptized and is one of the most prepared people I have ever met that was ready to receive the gospel.
Eduardo Perez was baptized! We are so excited for him. He is super prepared to serve in God´s church. |
All of the missionaries in our branch (4) got to give talks in the church service this past Sunday. I was the last one to talk and only had about five minutes to speak, but I talked about receiving a testimony of the Book of Mormon. As we read the Book of Mormon and apply what we learn, we learn of it´s truthfulness. However, we must also accept Moroni´s invitation to ask God in prayer if it is not true (Moroni 10:3-5) As we do, the spirit will confirm that it is true through feelings of peace and joy. I invite you just as I did last week, to strengthen your testimonies of the Book of Mormon and take the challenge of the living prophet, Thomas S. Monson, to read the Book of Mormon every day. As you do, you will find greater protection from the evils in the world and find greater peace and understanding.
We made pizza! |
Have a happy week!
Elder Cloward
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